Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran
AKA: Monsieur Ibrahim
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Monsieur Ibrahim is an elderly Arab shopkeeper who befriends an adolescent Jewish boy in Paris during the 60s. Momo, is bored with school, neglected by his father, abandoned by his mother and brother, and in need of support. The two taking an emotional, scenic journey across Europe to the old man's Turkish home. There he teaches Momo about poetry, meditation, piety, the Koran, and how to appreciate simple beauty.

- Omar Sharif
- Pierre Boulanger
(Momo) - Gilbert Melki
- Anne Suarez
- Isabelle Adjani
- Jérémy Sitbon
(Young Momo) - Eric Caravaca
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A gorgeous film showing the relationship between an elderly muslim man and a young jewish boy.

Page Last Modified: 11th May 2018
Page Added: 22nd April 2004
Page Views: 7227
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