Eres mi héroe
Country: Spain
Ram?n, a frustrated and lonely boy, struggles with a transient existence as his family moves from place to place. In 1976, they move to Seville where Ram?n finds himself the target of bullies. Growing up is a time of discovery and comical confusion. He begins to explore school, friendship and girls - a transition that happens during Spanish political changeover from dictatorship to democracy.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Manuel Lozano
(Ramon) - Toni Cantó
- Félix López
(David) - Antonio Dechent
- Carmen Navarro
- Alfonso Mena
(Rafa) - Pablo Acosta
- Santiago de los Reyes
(El Rata)
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Make sure you watch this movie. A very good coming of age movie that deals with sadness, fear, confusion, loneliness, first love, friendship and separation.

One of my favorite foreign films. It is also worth watching because Manuel Lozano is possibly the most talented child actor ever to come out of Spain. If you like this movie, then watch his earlier movies as well, especially "Butterfly" (La Langue des Papillons), possibly the best Spanish film ever made. It made Lozano a child prodigy in Spain.

Page Last Modified: 3rd April 2011
Page Added: 2nd April 2004
Page Views: 12065
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