Funny Games
Country: Austria
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Georg, Anna and their young son Schorschi drive to their lakeside summer home. Upon arrival, Georg and Schorschi head off to the lake for sailing while Anna prepares dinner in the kitchen. The serenity is shattered by a young man named Peter, who knocks at the door asking to borrow some eggs. The unwanted visitor is joined by Paul, a brash, arrogant young man. It soon becomes clear the pair have no intention of leaving. When Georg returns a nightmare of violence and horror awaits.
- Remade shot-for-shot in English as Funny Games U.S. (2007)
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I think the message is "Nazi spirit is alive and well." This is an obscenity.
Serves me right for not checking the review again.

This movie was horrible. Cannot believe I even watched it.

Page Last Modified: 11th December 2008
Page Added: 6th February 2004
Page Views: 7679
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A better movie than the American version made a few years later. To be truthful I hated the plot but I did watch it because of Stefan Clapczynski who did his character role quite well in spite of the circumstances.
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