B'Shivim Ushtayim Lo Hayta Milhama
AKA: There Was No War in '72
Country: Israel
Genre: Drama
Yoni was born in 1958; and a few years later he was joined by his two younger brothers. His middle class family grew, as did the State of Israel. In 1967, they were caught up in the euphoria of the State's 6-day war victories. The movie then jumps ahead 4 years to Pesach 1972: Yoni is expelled from school for failing his courses. He seeks refuge from his family while he tries to overturn his father's decision to banish him to a 'military-focused' boarding school in Rishon.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Adam Abulafia
(Yoni) - Tova Asher
- Natali Atiya
- Shmuel Edelman
- Elon Eysh
- Ayelet Gabai
- Ava Haddad
- I.J.S. Hazan
- Shaul Metelpunkt
- Hillel Mittelpunkt
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 19th June 2016
Page Added: 3rd February 2004
Page Views: 6902
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