Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
Mikey has been a bad boy, only nobody knows exactly how bad. Seems everyone he meets somehow ends up on the missing persons list. So, from foster family to foster family and school to school he goes, leaving a trail of unanswered questions behind. Of course, everyone knows Mikey is just a sweet misunderstood little boy. But remember, Jason and Freddy were kids once too.
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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This one was pretty good and a classic. I thought it was good for a one time watch. Amazing acting from Brian Bonsall. The 90's bring back so many memories from films like this one and amazing child actors from back then. This one has nice sequences and decent gore. I recommend it to those who love slasher child killer films. You will be on the edge of your seat.
My Movie Rating:

The size to weight ratio made it completely UNbelieveable, A 50bls. child vs. a 150-200bls. adult(s), come on! really! did the Director really think the audience is that gulible?
This movie was a waste of time.

Page Last Modified: 28th September 2013
Page Added: 25th January 2004
Page Views: 6950
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