The Christmas Shoes
TV Movie
Genre: Drama
A story of two families whose paths cross in trying circumstances. Rob Lowe plays a lawyer who is obsessed with work and has problems with his marriage. Kimberly Williams plays a struggling mother who finds out she has a fatal heart condition. Max Morrow plays her son who desperately wants to buy his mother a pair of beautiful shoes to wear in Heaven.

- Rob Lowe
- Kimberly Williams
- Max Morrow
(Nathan Andrews) - Maria del Mar
- Hugh Thompson
- Dorian Harewood
- Shirley Douglas
- Amber Marshall
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Max Morrow does a splendid job in this good oldfashioned tearjerker.
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Page Last Modified: 15th June 2011
Page Added: 25th December 2003
Page Views: 10211
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I needed some tissue watching this movie about a sickly mother and her boy (Max Morrow) trying very desperately in finding shoes for his mother while she was still alive. This was the boy's way of showing his mother how deeply he loved her during these last days. And the man who finally gave in by giving the boy money to buy these shoes suddenly realize how neglectful he is with his family and that his family is indeed much more important than his work. An awesome movie!!!