The Island on Bird Street
Alex is an 11-year old Jewish boy who, during WWII, hides in the Warsaw ghetto from the Nazis after his family and friends have been sent to a concentration camp. He draws his inspiration from his favourite novel "Robinson Crusoe" and through his wit and courage must survive on his own, dreaming that one day his father will return for him.
- Based on the novel by Uri Orlev.

- Jordan Kiziuk
(Alex) - Patrick Bergin
- Jack Warden
- Jacob Rasmussen
- James Bolam
- Simon Gregor
- Lee Ross
- Michael Byrne
- Sian Nicola Liquorish
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Cracking acting from Jordan Kiziuk.
My Movie Rating:

A very good movie. Well worth watching.
My Movie Rating:

Very well made, with some visual niceties thrown in, too. What a fine, courageous, resourceful young man and actor! Too bad he didn't make anything else...!!!

Page Last Modified: 18th January 2013
Page Added: 20th September 2003
Page Views: 13905
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