The Bike Squad
Country: USA
Genre: Children's, Family
Ryan is the new kid in town, his parents are divorced and he is spending the summer with his father. But it turns out that his dad has accepted a summer job as a teacher.So left on his own for most of the time in a town he doesn?t know and with kids who don?t accept him, his only comfort is his dog Jupiter.However the dog disappears and it looks like he's a victim of an evil dogcatcher who is selling pets to a lab for scientific testing. With the help of the Bike Squad, Ryan must save Jupiter, before it?s too late.
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A good family movie, lots of boy interaction!
My Movie Rating:

Braden Parkes is a very handsome young actor, but this movie sucks. I am normally rather reluctant with criticism, but this movie is absolutely horrible. Bad acting, stereotypical developments, corny story, shameful transformation and awkward handling of emotional scenes.

Page Last Modified: 24th June 2019
Page Added: 23rd August 2003
Page Views: 12443
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