Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
A bizzare almost surreal film. Gus, a ten-year-old boy is obsessed with a promotional card game in which players must collect cards at gas stations along the freeway. To fuel his obsession, he runs away from home and hits the road in his father's Ford Mustang convertible, only to encounter a bizarre cast of characters. Filmed in California and Arizona set in what looks like some future time, or some alternate USA, or perhaps just some generic place dreamed up for the movie.

- Jordan Christopher Michael
(Gus) - Martha Quinn
- Flea
- Michael J. Pollard
- Meat Loaf
- Drew Barrymore
- Garrett Morris
- Susan Tyrrell
- Michael Naegel
(Boy At Wagon Wheel) - Jacob Kenner
(Boy At Picnic)
BoyActors Reviews
18 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Great Movie!

A wild romp thru the American West. The acting was fun to watch. It seemed that everyone in the movie was having a good time.I enjoyed seeing my favorite character actors interacting with the star.
My Movie Rating:

One of my favorite films ever!

Page Last Modified: 4th February 2011
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 10130
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A very odd movie - I can't work out whether it's meant to be a kids movie or not. Some of the content definitely suggests not, but it doesn't strike me as a movie intended for adults either.
But I absolutely love it. A one-boy road movie. Jordan Christopher Michael is superb. It's bizarre, but I just love the fact that no-one notices he's a child. He actually has to explain to the gas station attendant that he's underage.