25 Kids and a Dad
Country: China
Genre: Drama
A chicken-raising rich man, Zhao Guang, was brought up by his fellow villagers. At the county ceremony, he donates 10,000 RMB to a welfare institute. He suddenly becomes a big-shot. In front of the television camera, the excited and kind Zhao Guang declares that he will be a father of all orphans. Children flock to him. He must figure out how he will accommodate so many young lives, giving them the love they need and deserve.

- Huang Hong
- Li Lin
- Lei Kesheng
- Siqin Gaowa
- Yu Lan
- Huang Zhaohan
- Li Song
- Yu Hao
- Zhang Yinghong
- Jia Erwa
- Zhao Ran
- Fan Lei
- Zhou Wei
Page Last Modified: 21st December 2008
Page Added: 7th July 2003
Page Views: 10539
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