Great Expectations
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Charles Dickens' classic tale of Pip, a poor orphan who befriends an escaped convict and who grows up in the company of a bitter old woman, Miss Havisham, and her haughty young ward, Estella. Pip learns the rewards of both vindictiveness and gratitude as a result of these events. Anthony Wager plays the role of the young Pip in the first half of the movie.
- Directed by David Lean

- John Mills
- Anthony Wager
(Pip as a Boy) - Valerie Hobson
- Jean Simmons
- Bernard Miles
- Francis L. Sullivan
- Finlay Currie
- Martita Hunt
- Alec Guinness
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An impressive turn from Anthony Wager.
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Page Last Modified: 24th November 2012
Page Added: 2nd June 2003
Page Views: 7123
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