Just Ask For Diamond
AKA: Diamond's Edge
Country: UK
Genre: Comedy
This is a junior film noir full of puns and references to famous old movies.A dwarf leaves a box of Cigars in the incompetent hands of the bumbling private eye Jim Diamond. Soon after the Dwarf is found dead, Diamond is wanted by the police and every gangster in Europe.It's up to Nick, Jim's witty 13 year old brother who really runs the show, to save the day.
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Colin Dale is a handsome and charming little actor. This is a clever lash-up of old detective film noire movies done in a very disarming way.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 10th July 2013
Page Added: 21st May 2003
Page Views: 12635
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An interesting takeoff of private eye films. Colin Dale is not the best of actors as his delivery is somewhat stilted. He's almost laughing at his own jokes before he says them. The plot is interesting though drags in places and I think it would have been better without the older brother. Good support from quite a number of well known British actors.
My Movie Rating: