El Color de las nubes
AKA: The Color of the Clouds
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
Lola, a defiant old woman, refuses to leave the country house in which she has lived for years while her son tries to take it from her. She and her niece Clementina have agreed to offer a home to a Bosnian refugee child just as Bartolome, who has recently run away from home, pretends to be the refugee and enters the household. Meanwhile, Colo, an old fisherman, has found drugs floating in the sea and tries to sell them in order to raise money to save Lola's house.

- Pedro Barrejón
(Bartolomé) - Ana Duato
- Julia Gutiérrez Caba
- Adis Suijic
(Mirsad) - Antonio Valero
- Simon Andreu
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Page Last Modified: 27th November 2017
Page Added: 18th May 2003
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Would have been much better if there were not so much back-story given by narration.
My Movie Rating: