Local Boys
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Life hasn't been easy for Skeet and Randy Dobson since their dad died. With mother Jessica working, it's often up to older brother Randy to take care of 12-year-old Skeet, hardly the image for a hardcore surfer. But as long as Skeet behaves, Randy lets him tag along with him and his buddies. All their worries disappear as soon as they hit the beaches of Southern California for those long, summer days of surfing. When a gang of hoodlum surfers steal their boards and try to move in on their home break, a bitter rivalry erupts.

- Jeremy Sumpter
(Skeet Dobson) - Eric Christian Olsen
- Mark Harmon
- Stacy Edwards
- Joey Andrews [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Enjoyable surfing movie with a sizeable role for Jeremy Sumpter.
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Jeremy Sumpter was great! Excellent surfing film. See you in Malibu :)
My Movie Rating:

Anything with Jeremy Sumpter in it is worth watching - mainly for Jeremy - the best looking boy actor to date! Here, his acting abilities come to the fore as he plays Skeet, a child with a nervous disorder. The film is pure Americana but rises above the usual teen effort. Nice to see his mom didn't mind him making friends with a strange man! Plenty of sand, sun and surfing.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 7th May 2022
Page Added: 21st April 2003
Page Views: 9688
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