The Kissing Place
TV Movie
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
A 10 year old boy desperately searches for his real family after realizing that "mom" is an abductor who kidnapped him long ago. But she's close on his trail, and would rather see him dead than reunited with his parents.

- Nathaniel Moreau
(Billy) - Meredith Baxter
- David Ogden Stiers
- Victoria Snow
- Michael Kirby
- Ted Dykstra
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Besides playing on contemporary anxieties concerning more than one (largely mythical) folk devil, this movie lends credence to the discredited pseudoscience of 'recovered memories'. If one can get past this, then it is actually a very dramatic rollercoaster ride of a film, and Nathaniel Moreau is undoubtedly a fine young actor.
My Movie Rating:

Nathaniel was exceptional! ALL of the 7/10 goes to him! David Ogden Stiers has always been one my fav. actors! I thought he was too held back in this movie, Merideth Baxter did well too, but she's not a fav of mine.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 28th November 2003
Page Added: 16th April 2003
Page Views: 8836
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