Country: Australia
Genre: Family
When their beloved pet duck, Hildegarde, is abducted by a couple of native bird smugglers it's up to Christopher, Isabel and Jeremy, to save the day. All clues lead to the shifty Wolf and Tony, operators of 'Wolf's Wildlife Wonders', a traveling nature sideshow that acts as a cover for their illegal bird napping activities. Now the kids are hitting the road, out for a duck and up for adventure as they pursue Wolf, Tony and Hildegarde.

- Sam Geer
(Chris Powell) - Dayne Hudson
(Jeremy Powell) - Gezelle Byrnes
- Richard E. Grant
- Tom Long
- Trent Sullivan
(Young Jeremy)
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Page Last Modified: 24th February 2020
Page Added: 15th April 2003
Page Views: 7831
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Contrary to the other reviewers I thought this film was great. It did seem a little crazy how they got their duck but then this is kids and their way of doing things. I also think Dayne Hudson was cool.
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