Lord of the Flies
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
A plane carrying a group of schoolboys crash lands on a deserted island. With no adult survivors, the boys are forced to fend for themselves. At first they cooperate, but when they split into two separate camps - one led by the Ralph, who is desperate that they maintain civilized standards, and the other by Jack, who'd rather have fun and hunt - their society falls into disarray, leading to a disturbing examination of human nature.
- Directed by Peter Brook
- Based on William Golding's famous novel of the same name
- See also Harry Hook's 1990 version of Lord of the Flies (1990)

- James Aubrey
(Ralph) - Tom Chapin
(Jack) - Hugh Edwards
(Piggy) - Roger Elwin
(Roger) - Tom Gaman
(Simon) - Kent Fletcher
(Percival Wemys Madison) - John Stableford
(Digby) - David St. Clair
(George) - Nicholas Hammond
BoyActors Reviews
24 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Much prefered this film than the USA made one later. A good reminder that if we scratch the surface the savage in us is released, and it isn't always noble.
My Movie Rating:

I like both of the movies about this story, which is rare for me because I don't like remakes! this movie is of course, the best of the 2! after seeing this movie for the umpteen millionth time! I finally spotted and recognized Nicholas Hammond! he later played Spider-Man in a TV series that I saw as a teen!
This movie for me is an ultimate boy movie, it has everything I want and look for when watching boy movies!
I highly recommend it to any boy movie buff!

Just a classic that I have watched at least 12 times.

Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 34860
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