- If I Were King (1938)
- Star Maker, The (1939)
- Emergency Squad (1940)
- Farmer's Daughter, The (1940)
- Grapes of Wrath, The (1940)
- Mystery Sea Raider (1940)
- Prairie Law (1940)
- Untamed (1940)
- Way of All Flesh, The (1940)
- Young People (1940)
- Coffins on Wheels (1941)
- Glamour Boy (1941) (as Billy Doran)
- Men of Boys Town (1941) (as Flip Brier)
- Mob Town (1941)
- Sign of the Wolf (1941)
- Going to Press (1942)
- Jackass Mail (1942)
- Joe Smith, American (1942) (as Johnny Smith)
- Keeper of the Flame (1942)
- Mr. Blabbermouth! (1942)
- Northwest Rangers (1942)
- Young America (1942)
- Assignment in Brittany (1943)
- The Human Comedy (1943) (as Lionel)
- Song of Russia (1943)
- And Now Tomorrow (1944)
- Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout (1944)
- Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)
- Boogie Woogie (1945)
- Captain Eddie (1945)
- Kiss and Tell (1945)
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
- Rhapsody in Blue (1945)
- Salty O'Rourke (1945)
- Boys' Ranch (1946) (as Hank)
- Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)
- Two Years Before the Mast (1946)
Roles when Darryl Hickman was older than 15
- Fighting Father Dunne (1948) (as Matt Davis)
- The Happy Years (1950)
- Johnny Shiloh (1963)
Page Last Modified: 27th May 2024
Page Added: 5th April 2003
Page Views: 13926
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