Mickey Rooney
Date of Birth: 23rd September 1920
Details of Death: 6th April 2014
Country of Birth: USA

- Not to Be Trusted (1926)
- Mickey's Battle (1927)
- Mickey's Circus (1927)
- Mickey's Eleven (1927)
- Mickey's Pals (1927)
- Orchids and Ermine (1927)
- Mickey in Love (1928)
- Mickey in School (1928)
- Mickey the Detective (1928)
- Mickey's Athletes (1928)
- Mickey's Babies (1928)
- Mickey's Big Game Hunt (1928)
- Mickey's Little Eva (1928)
- Mickey's Movies (1928) (as Mickey McGuire)
- Mickey's Nine (1928)
- Mickey's Parade (1928)
- Mickey's Rivals (1928)
- Mickey's Triumph (1928)
- Mickey's Wild West (1928)
- Mickey's Big Moment (1929)
- Mickey's Brown Derby (1929)
- Mickey's Explorers (1929)
- Mickey's Great Idea (1929)
- Mickey's Initiation (1929)
- Mickey's Last Chance (1929)
- Mickey's Menagerie (1929)
- Mickey's Midnite Follies (1929)
- Mickey's Mix-Up (1929)
- Mickey's Northwest Mounted (1929)
- Mickey's Strategy (1929)
- Mickey's Surprise (1929)
- Mickey the Romeo (1930)
- Mickey's Bargain (1930)
- Mickey's Champs (1930)
- Mickey's Luck (1930)
- Mickey's Master Mind (1930)
- Mickey's Merry Men (1930)
- Mickey's Musketeers (1930)
- Mickey's Warriors (1930)
- Mickey's Whirlwinds (1930)
- Mickey's Winners (1930)
- Mickey's Crusaders (1931)
- Mickey's Diplomacy (1931)
- Mickey's Helping Hand (1931)
- Mickey's Rebellion (1931)
- Mickey's Sideline (1931)
- Mickey's Stampede (1931)
- Mickey's Thrill Hunters (1931)
- Mickey's Wildcats (1931)
- Beast of the City, The (1932)
- Fast Companions (1932)
- High Speed (1932)
- Mickey's Big Business (1932)
- Mickey's Busy Day (1932)
- Mickey's Charity (1932)
- Mickey's Golden Rule (1932)
- Mickey's Holiday (1932)
- Mickey's Travels (1932)
- My Pal the King (1932) (as King Charles V)
- Officer Thirteen (1932)
- Sin's Pay Day (1932) (as Chubby Dennis)
(aka Slums of New York) - Big Cage, The (1933)
- Big Chance, The (1933)
- Broadway to Hollywood (1933)
- Chief, The (1933)
- Life of Jimmy Dolan, The (1933)
- Mickey's Ape Man (1933)
- Mickey's Big Broadcast (1933)
- Mickey's Covered Wagon (1933)
- Mickey's Disguises (1933)
- Mickey's Race (1933)
- Mickey's Tent Show (1933)
- Mickey's Touchdown (1933)
- World Changes, The (1933)
- Beloved (1934)
- Blind Date (1934)
- Chained (1934)
- Death on the Diamond (1934)
- Half a Sinner (1934)
- Hide-Out (1934)
- I Like It That Way (1934)
- Lost Jungle, The (1934)
- Love Birds (1934)
- Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
- Mickey's Medicine Man (1934)
- Mickey's Minstrels (1934)
- Mickey's Rescue (1934)
- Ah, Wilderness! (1935)
- County Chairman, The (1935)
- The Healer (1935) (as Jimmy)
(aka Little Pal) - Midsummer Night's Dream, A (1935)
- Pirate Party on Catalina Isle (1935)
- Reckless (1935)
- Rendezvous (1935)
- The Devil Is a Sissy (1936) (as James 'Gig' Stevens)
- Down The Stretch (1936)
- Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936) (as Dick Tipton)
- Riffraff (1936)
Roles when Mickey Rooney was older than 15
- Captains Courageous (1937)
- Boys Town (1938)
- Lord Jeff (1938)
- The Human Comedy (1943)
- The Magic of Lassie (1978)
- The Black Stallion (1979)
- The Emperor of Peru (1982)
(aka Treasure Train) - It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (1984)
- Little Spies (1986)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991)
- The Road Home (1995)
(aka Brother's Destiny) - The First of May (1999)
- Phantom of the Megaplex (2000)
Page Last Modified: 23rd January 2024
Page Added: 14th July 2001
Page Views: 14004
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