Freddie Chapman
Date of Birth: 18th January 1931
Details of Death: 12th January 2001
Country of Birth: USA

- Clown Princes (1939) (as Freddie)
- Cousin Wilbur (1939) (as Second Kid Examined)
- Kiddie Kure (1940)
- Nobody's Children (1940) (as Hal)
- Baby Blues (1941)
- Helping Hands (1941)
- The Big Store (1941)
- Doin' Their Bit (1942)
- Going to Press (1942)
- Rover's Big Chance (1942)
- Election Daze (1943)
- It's a Great Life (1943) (as Boy)
- Buffalo Bill (1944)
- Roger Touhy, Gangster (1944)
- Sheriff of Las Vegas (1944)
- The Very Thought of You (1944)
- The Woman in the Window (1944)
- Tomorrow, the World (1944) (as Boy)
- Colorado Pioneers (1945)
- Corpus Christi Bandits (1945)
- Great Stagecoach Robbery (1945)
- It's a Pleasure (1945)
- Nob Hill (1945)
- The Valley of Decision (1945)
- Trail of Kit Carson (1945)
- California Gold Rush (1946)
- Faithful in My Fashion (1946)
- My Dog Shep (1946) (as Arthur Hodgkins)
- Rendezvous with Annie (1946)
- The Virginian (1946)
- Easy Come, Easy Go (1947)
- It Happened in Brooklyn (1947)
- Ladies' Man (1947)
- The Millerson Case (1947)
- The Trouble with Women (1947)
Roles when Freddie Chapman was older than 15
- Fighting Father Dunne (1948)
- The Happy Years (1950)
Page Last Modified: 13th March 2024
Page Added: 1st April 2017
Page Views: 5773
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