- Kids Have Rights Too! (1988)
- Peacemaker (1989)
- The Magic Boy's Easter (1989)
- Dream On [TV Series] (1990)
- Going Under (1990)
- Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
- Dolly Dearest (1992)
- Jonathan: The Boy Nobody Wanted (1992)
Roles when Chris Demetral was older than 15
- Blank Check (1994)
- Journey of the Heart (1997)
Guest Appearances
- McGee and Me (1989-1992) (Episode 1.06 1986)
- The Wonder Years (1988-1993) ("Math Class Squared" ep. 3.09 1989)
- Empty Nest (1988-1995) (2.08 "The R.N. Who Came to Dinner" 1989)
- Mr. Belvedere (1985-1990) (5.11 "New Year's" 1989)
- The New Lassie (1989-1991) (1.15 "Trapped" 1990)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) (4.08 "Future Imperfect" 1990)
- The New Lassie (1989-1991) (2.17 "Fallen Idol" 1992)
Page Last Modified: 30th April 2022
Page Added: 14th July 2001
Page Views: 16164
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